Are NFTs Still a Thing? Evaluating the Current State and Future of Non-Fungible Tokens

The NFT market, once defined by its rapid rises and abrupt declines, continues to evolve, mirroring broader trends in digital assets and blockchain technology. After a peak during the pandemic, with sales soaring to billions of dollars, the market saw a significant downturn. Yet, recent developments indicate a potential rebound and transformation in how NFTs are used and perceived.
4 min readMay 29, 2024

Understanding NFTs

An NFT, or Non-Fungible Token, is a unique digital asset representing ownership of specific content, such as digital art, collectibles, music, videos, or virtual real estate. Unlike cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum, which are fungible and interchangeable, NFTs are unique and irreplaceable, giving them distinct value. Each NFT is recorded on a blockchain, a decentralized digital ledger that ensures its authenticity and provenance.

The Ethereum blockchain, known for its smart contracts, is the most popular for NFTs. This technology has garnered attention across various industries, including gaming and online entertainment, enabling creators to monetize their work and fostering a new digital economy based on scarcity and digital ownership.

Factors Influencing the NFT Market

Market Dynamics: NFT sales surged during the pandemic, extending beyond digital art to music, gaming, and virtual real estate. This boom was driven by the novelty and speculative appeal of NFTs, with some items fetching millions. However, as initial excitement waned and market saturation occurred, the NFT market experienced a significant decline.

Economic Conditions: The decline was further impacted by broader economic factors, such as higher inflation, increased interest rates, and tighter monetary policy post-pandemic. These conditions led to reduced disposable income and a lower appetite for high-risk investments like NFTs. Additionally, the downturn in the cryptocurrency market, closely linked to NFTs, diminished investor interest and purchasing power.

Impact of Key Events: The collapse of major crypto projects like Terra Luna and the bankruptcy of FTX significantly undermined investor confidence in digital assets. These events highlighted the volatility and risks of emerging asset classes, causing a liquidity crunch in the NFT market.

Emerging Trends and Future Prospects

Despite these challenges, several trends suggest a promising future for NFTs:

Utility Over Speculation: Experts believe that NFTs’ long-term value lies in their utility rather than speculative potential. NFTs offer practical applications across various industries by providing proof of ownership, digital identity, and asset tokenization. For instance, they streamline transactions in real estate and enhance player experiences in gaming.

Integration with Emerging Technologies: The combination of NFTs with augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) is creating new opportunities for digital ownership and interaction. In the metaverse, NFTs can represent digital assets, offering unique ways for users to interact with and own virtual goods.

Corporate Adoption: Major brands like Nike, Puma, and McDonald’s are embracing NFTs, releasing digital collectibles with real-world utility and value. This corporate adoption is driving mainstream acceptance and showcasing NFTs’ potential beyond speculative investments.

Gaming Industry Integration: The gaming industry is expected to be a significant driver of NFT growth in 2024. Companies are incorporating NFTs into their games, creating more immersive and engaging experiences.

Industry Insights

Jason Lau, Chief Innovation Officer at OKX, predicts that 2024 will see a new wave of Web3-enabled games using NFTs to provide greater engagement and new business models. This shift marks a departure from early NFT games, which often relied on the novelty of NFTs rather than integrating them into compelling gameplay.

Anthony Georgiades, a general partner at Innovating Capital, observed that the NFT market has experienced a boom-bust cycle, with many profile picture collections skyrocketing, crashing, and failing to recover. Despite this, several quality collections have thrived and seem poised to endure long-term. Georgiades believes that the popularity of digital art will help sustain this aspect of NFTs.

Conversely, some experts remain skeptical about a complete NFT market revival. Ilya Stadnik, CEO of Zent, noted that the overwhelming influx of low-value images will not recur. While NFTs can be worthwhile investments, he stressed the importance of careful selection, emphasizing that 99.9% are not worth considering. Despite his doubts about a market resurgence, Stadnik remains hopeful that emerging technologies will transform the NFT market and facilitate its integration into sectors such as gaming and online entertainment.


Despite significant challenges, the NFT market’s foundational technology and diverse applications suggest a resilient and evolving future. As the market matures, focusing on practical utility, sustainability, and integration with emerging technologies will likely drive the next phase of NFT adoption. NFTs are not just a fleeting trend but a transformative force with the potential to redefine digital ownership and interaction in the coming years.

Want to enter NFT world? Learn more and start storing NFTs in NOW Wallet!

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